Monday, June 28, 2021




*INTERCESSION 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for drafting great multitudes into our Services yesterday and granting every worshipper turnaround testimony by your Word*

Psalms  118:23 This is the LORD's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.

*INTERCESSION 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, let your reaper-angels go on the rampage across our harvest field today, destroying all satanic strongholds resisting the people from getting saved this week*

Revelation  12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

*INTERCESSION 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, grant supernatural utterance to every Winner on the go for Christ this week, resulting in the salvation and establishment of multitudes in the faith and in this Church*

2 Thessalonians  3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:

*INTERCESSION 4: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the ears of every unsaved soul across our harvest field continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit and be drafted into this Church for their salvation*

Isaiah  5:26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:

*INTERCESSION 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, give all our new converts a testimony of “once I was blind, now I can see’’, thereby establishing them in this Church for life*

John  9:25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.

*INTERCESSION 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, keep every Winner burning for You all through the Midst of the Year Prophetic season and for life*

Habakkuk  3:2 O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

*INTERCESSION 7: Father, in the name of Jesus, turn everyone on the harvest field into a sharp threshing instrument for effectiveness in reaping the harvest into the kingdom and this church*

Isaiah  41:15 Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.

*INTERCESSION 8: Father, in the name of Jesus, open the heart of every contact on the harvest field this week, to every word spoken, thereby leading many to Christ*

Acts  16:14 And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.

*INTERCESSION 9: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the attendance of this Church be minimum double the highest monthly average Sunday Attendance since Wonder Double agenda began on or before August 1, 2021*

Deuteronomy  1:11 (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)


*INTERCESSION 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for firing up the zeal of Your House into the heart of every Winner, towards the full delivery of Operation By All Means*

Psalms  69:9 For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

*INTERCESSION 2: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Spirit breathe upon our tracts and fliers all through Operation By All Means, turning them into effective sickles of harvest, thereby drafting multitudes into this Church*

Joel  3:13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great.

*INTERCESSION 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send us the rain of Your Word of wisdom, thereby attracting great multitudes into this Church all through Operation By All Means and beyond*

Acts  6:7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.

*INTERCESSION 4: Father, by the Blood of Jesus, we destroy all satanic strongholds against the continuous growth of this Church all through Operation By All Means*

Matthew  16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

*INTERCESSION 5: Father, by the blood of Jesus, we decree that you direct the steps of every embattled Winner back to this Church all through Operation By All Means and grant each one of them a breakthrough welcome package*

Deuteronomy  1:11 (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)

*INTERCESSION 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the attendance of this Church be minimum double the highest monthly average Sunday Attendance since Wonder Double agenda began on or before August 1, 2021*

Deuteronomy  1:11 (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)


God is not looking for who to disgrace, but who to engrace for supernatural breakthroughs – Luk.5:1-8

This week, our exhortation is captioned, ‘In the Growth of The Church, Lies the Glory of the Saints


In the Growth of The Church Lies the Glory of the Saints

Prophetically, dominion shall be domiciled in the end-time Church – Mic. 4:1-2/Psa. 110:1-3

Engaging in kingdom advancement endeavours procures favour for the redeemed – Psa. 102:13-15/ Act. 2:47

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