Friday, June 26, 2020

LIVING FAITH CHURCH 26TH JUNE 2020 [FRIDAY] – Covenant Hour Of Prayer

Covenant Hour Of Prayer Daily Intercessory Prayer Guidelines 26th June 2020 – With Bishop David Oyedepo

Intercession 1: Father, turn every one of us into sharp threshing instrument in reaping the harvest of souls into the kingdom all through this prophetic season – Is. 41:15

Intercession 2: Father, grant supernatural utterance from our altar, resulting in signs and wonders all through this prophetic season – Act. 14:3

Intercession 3: Father, give all our new converts a testimony of once I was blind, now I can see’’, thereby establishing them in this Church for life – Jn. 9:25

Intercession 4: Father, cause Your acts in this Church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting abiding multitudes into this Church all through this prophetic season – Acts 2:6/41

Intercession 5: Father, open the eyes of every discouraged Winner to see this Church as their God-ordained city of refuge, where their trials shall be turned to testimonies all through this prophetic season –2Sam. 7:10

Intercession 6:Father, by the help of the Holy Ghost, empower my prayer life so I can be a full partaker of the blessings of this ongoing revival – Rom. 8:26

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