Saturday, July 11, 2020

Living Faith Church 11th July 2020 [Saturday] – Covenant Hour Of Prayer

Covenant Hour Of Prayer Daily Intercessory Prayer Guidelines 11th July 2020 – With Bishop David Oyedepo

Intercession 1: Father, let all everlasting mountains and perpetual hills standing in the way of every Winner and all our online worshippers be levelled out in this prophetic season – Hab. 3:6.

Intercession 2: Father, redirect the steps of every  discouraged Winner back to this Church tomorrow Sunday and give everyone an encounter of a life time –Isa. 51:11

Intercession 3: Father, let the ears of every unsaved soul across our harvest field, continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit and be drafted into this Church tomorrow Sunday– Is. 5:26

Intercession 4:Father, empower every Winner with grace for tireless engagement in advancing Your Kingdom, so as to be listed among the rising giants in this ongoing revival– Dan. 12:3

Intercession 5: Father, in the name of Jesus, empower all our newly planted Churches for  sustainable growth all through this year and beyond – 1 Cor. 3:6

Intercession 6: Father, in the name of Jesus, gather multitudes into our Service(s) tomorrow Sunday, and grant turnaround testimonies to every worshipper – Psa. 126:1 

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